StartupsLunchbox-06 – 23 June


The Blockchain Ireland Start-ups working group is continuing its Lunchbox series of events at 13:00 on 23 June, with the topic of decentralisation, innovation and the public sector. The series comprises bitesize conversations with DLT entrepreneurs and trailblazers from Ireland and overseas, covering emerging trends, early adoption and advice on getting started. Featured speakers are: […]

Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability


The European Commission wishes to hear the views of citizens, governmental and non-governmental organisations (international, European, national, regional and local) as well as of education, training and employment stakeholders on the subject of EU-wide recognition of learning outcomes. They can respond to the public consultation in a personal or organisational/institutional capacity by filling a the […]

Education opportunities for the digital world


The world of finance is moving at a swift pace, driven by various digital developments, such as blockchain, digital currencies and decentralised finance (DeFi). For those already in the world of financial technologies (Fintech) or for those who want to understand these growing trends, ICT Skillnet has a range of courses delivered with education partners […]

New event series on MiCA


The International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) has created a new event series entitled “MiCA goes Global”. According to the association, the series was created to be the next step in its work on the EU Commission’s Regulation of Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) and the Prime Pilot Regulation (PRR). Each event in the series, […]

Blockchain Ireland Week 2021 – solid foundations


Blockchain Ireland Week 2021 was an unqualified success, as more than sixty events and hundreds of speakers and participants over the course of the week generated more than 4,800 registrations from 60 countries. With the broad theme of blockchain as a foundation of trust for a new era of digital services and applications, clear themes […]

SkillsBuild FREE Blockchain Learning Pathways


Blockchain for BusinessBlockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding). Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, reducing risk and cutting costs for […]

Blockchain Associations Forum launched


 British Blockchain Association initiative brings together blockchain associations from around the world. The British Blockchain Association, today, welcomed 55 senior representatives of the world’s leading international Blockchain associations to the inaugural meeting of what is set to become the most influential Blockchain and DLT advisory group globally – The Blockchain Associations Forum (BAF). The launch of what […]

Blockchain Ireland’s new Twitter handle


A new handle for news, resources and communication Blockchain Ireland has a new Twitter handle. @Blockchain_Irl is the new identity on the Twitter platform to communicate news, highlight resources and to interact with the wider blockcahin and distributed ledge technologies ecosystem. Please click and follow to keep in touch.