Walmart-backed Flipkart to test Web3, Metaverse expansion

Walmart-backed Flipkart India Pvt. launched an in-house innovation arm called Flipkart Labs to explore ways to expand onto the metaverse, reports Bloomberg Through the innovation arm, the Bengaluru-based e-commerce marketplace aims to test nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, virtual immersive storefronts and play-to-earn, according to a company statement Thursday. One of the first areas of focus […]

How DAOs could change the way we work

Web3 represents the next iteration of the World Wide Web. It’s built on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, and is characterised by greater decentralisation, transparency, and shared ownership. Web3 looks set to transform work as we know it. And the decentralised autonomous organisation, or DAO, is set to be the vehicle that leads the charge. As […]

European crypto industry steps up efforts to influence EU policy

More than 40 crypto business leaders have asked the European Union not to require crypto firms to disclose transaction details and dial down attempts to bring to heel rapidly growing decentralised finance platforms, reports Reuters The European Union, like countries and jurisdictions across the globe, is working to tame the freewheeling crypto sector. The EU […]

Is blockchain technology future-proof?

Blockchain technology is arguably one of the greatest technological advancements of its era, but as technology improves at an exponential rate, can blockchain security keep up? asks NewsBTC. Blockchain security has become a controversial topic in the crypto space due to the large amount of malicious attacks that have recently taken place. Solutions need to […]

Sweden wants to test e-krona viability for smart payments

The Swedish central bank says it wants to look at how a new e-krona could stimulate ‘smart payments’ that some say are the future of money, reports Coindesk. In a report published on Wednesday, the Riksbank deemed tests to integrate state-backed digital money into conventional banking systems a success – but said it was still examining […]

Targeted consultation on a digital euro

The EU has issued a consultation request for digital euro.In what is regarded as a first step towards legislation from Brussels on the topic, the consultation, which is open until June 14, will explore potential issues with the Digital Euro such as privacy, and anti money laundering, and other issues seen as the most concerning […]

Group invests $135m in firm breaking barriers between blockchains

‘The future is multichain’ has become crypto’s latest favourite refrain. Forbes reports that contrary to the mantra of ‘one chain to rule them all’, many enthusiasts are now starting to believe that the blockchain industry will consist of many different blockchain networks communicating with each other in much the same way that Android users can […]

US Congress agency proposes 4 key policy changes for blockchain

Based on the request of the US Congress, US Government Accountability Office (GAO) has proposed four policy options, to aid policymakers implement blockchain technologies while effectively tackling challenges, reports CoinTelegraph. These are as follows: With setting standards, GAO envisions tackling challenges around interoperability and data security. Some considerations include implementations of consensus mechanisms and establishing […]

From taxes to electricity, blockchain adoption is growing in Austria

The blockchain technology landscape is shifting in Austria, with public institutions and private firms experimenting with the tech, opines Veronika Rinecker at CoinTelegraph. Austria has been actively transforming into an attractive location for providers of blockchain-based products, with the government itself experimenting with the technology and trying to create a legal basis upon which companies […]

Blockchain Skills Requirements survey

CHAISE, ESRI and Blockchain Ireland letter, inviting participation in a survey on blockchain skills. “Dear Blockchain Community, The ESRI and Blockchain Ireland’s Education, Skills and Innovation Working Group invite you to participate in a survey on Blockchain Skills Requirements as part of the CHAISE project. The ESRI is currently working on the CHAISE project to […]

Blockchain to be the ‘glue’ connecting the future electricity grid

The digital revolution is happening on many fronts, and electricity and power grids are feeling the effects. Writing for Forbes, senior contributor on sustainability, Jeff McMahon, reports that once upon a time, a single electric utility would send electricity in one direction to many customers. But the grid is evolving so that millions of devices […]

Developer group meetup to discuss blockchain tech!

Please join us on 30 March for our first in-person event from the Blockchain Ireland Developer Workgroup. We’ll kick off the event with a quick Q&A with the Head of Blockchain from a multinational to find out about what’s going on in the ecosystem. The event will move into a networking session with some refreshments […]